Spine trauma injuries in infants and toddlers differ significantly from spine injuries in older children, according to a recent study from the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics.
The study examined 206 children treated at a Level I pediatric trauma center. Infants and toddlers (ages 0 to 3) were much more likely than older children (ages 4 to 9) to sustain cervical spine injuries. The youngest children were also more likely to sustain ligament injuries and present with complete loss of function. Older children were more likely to sustain compression fractures and spinal cord injuries.
Motor vehicle crash was the most common injury mechanism for all children, but non-accidental injury accounted for 19% of spinal trauma in the infant/toddler group. The mortality rate for infants and toddlers with spine trauma was 25%, significantly higher than the mortality rate among older children. Read More