If there is one thing that most people in the trauma community can agree on, it’s this: Trauma has a data problem.
On the one hand, trauma center leaders now have access to more data on patient care and program operations than ever before. On the other hand, it is harder than ever to manage this mass of data, make sense of it all and use it to effectively improve outcomes for injured patients.
That is why we are very excited to announce the upcoming launch of a new data management platform for trauma centers: National Quality Systems (NQS).
NQS is an advanced software suite for the unique trauma data ecosystem. While it includes a robust trauma registry module, NQS is more than just a data entry tool. The NQS platform has been built from the ground up to meet the needs of the entire trauma team, with tools that:
- Streamline and support data abstraction
- Empower performance improvement specialists
- Enable timely interventions in care, quality and prevention
- And even help ensure the financial sustainability of the trauma program
The NQS platform will be rolled out in stages during the first half of 2024. However, for trauma leaders who want to learn more right now, NQS has created a special opportunity to preview the system’s capabilities.
We will explain that below. But first, let us show how NQS turns data into meaningful information for trauma program leadership teams.
Advanced tools for the entire trauma team
Our belief at NQS is that trauma programs need more than just a basic data repository. They need modern tools that help the entire team do their best work. Functions built into NQS make trauma center data easier to understand, easier to use and easier to act on for the good of injured patients.
Streamlined workflows for trauma registrars. Currently, trauma registers spend most of their time hunting down data and keying it into the system. NQS leverages artificial intelligence and advanced automations to give registrars all the information they need at their fingertips. It lets them spend less time tracking down information and more time on the art and science of data abstraction.
For example, the NQS system includes tools that help registrars organize their work quickly and effectively, and it automates many time-consuming manual data capture activities. In addition, the system uses AI to supplement the registry team’s knowledge and skill, with tools that help registrars identify the most specific codes possible.
Analytical support for PI coordinators. Most trauma PI coordinators spend a significant portion of their time running reports. NQS features a range of tools that reduce the busy work and let PI coordinators focus on identifying ways to improve quality and outcomes.
The NQS system includes a robust PI module that handles time-consuming, lower-value tasks automatically. It also leverages AI to identify patient care issues that warrant further attention and investigation. In addition, the NQS platform includes integrated workflow management tools that help both PI coordinators and registrars organize, prioritize and manage their work.
Robust clinical intelligence for trauma leaders. Trauma centers have struggled for years to make patient data relevant. By the time registry data is available and fully analyzed, the opportunity to make timely decisions is often long past. NQS has been designed to quickly generate live performance dashboards that support proactive decision-making and let program leaders take prompt action.
The NQS dashboard orchestrates all your center’s data sources, analyzes them continuously and immediately surfaces issues of concern. Built-in tools let program leaders drill down quickly on provider performance and systems of care — no need to query data, write reports and run analyses. The dashboard also includes advanced functions that support injury prevention initiatives.
Finally, the NQS platform automatically pulls together charge information from multiple data sources to identify missed revenue opportunities. On average, the NQS revenue module identifies $600 in missed collections per trauma patient.
Get a first look at NQS right away
The NQS platform includes a range of powerful modules, including Trauma Dashboard, Trauma Registry, Trauma PI and Trauma Revenue. As noted above, these components will be rolling out in stages during the coming six months.
However, for trauma leaders who want to try NQS right away, we have created a special opportunity to preview a module we are very excited about: TQIP Insights.
If you have ever struggled to make sense of your TQIP benchmarking report, TQIP Insights will be an eye-opening experience. This module takes your center’s most recent TQIP report and creates a custom dashboard that identifies your true OFIs and provides an action plan for resolving them.
Best of all, we are pleased to announce that TQIP Insights is available free of charge to any trauma center that participates in the TQIP program.
Accessing TQIP Insights is simple — just visit mynqs.com and click the “Get TQIP Insights” button. Create a free account, then upload the PDF file of your latest TQIP report
Your private TQIP Insights dashboard will:
- Provide a high-level summary of the outliers within your TQIP report
- Show you exactly where the issues are within your TQIP data
- Assemble information on concerning cohorts and put it all in one place for easy examination
- Outline a customized action plan based on evidence-based standards and guidelines
- Organize it all in helpful visualizations that transform the data benchmarking experience
Big picture, this module helps you see your TQIP data in clear new ways to help you make better decisions for your trauma program. As an immediate benefit, the recommendations generated by TQIP Insights are designed to serve as corrective action plans in compliance with ACS requirements.
Start fact-finding now
We are building NQS to provide trauma centers with an alternative platform for managing their data. More screenshots of NQS dashboards are available at mynqs.com. While you’re there, be sure to explore TQIP Insights.