Kevin Collopy, MHL, FP-C, NRP, CMTE, is the clinical outcomes and compliance manager for air and ground transport operations at Novant Health Mobile Health in…
When the emergency department census is high and a hospital is operating at capacity, EMS crews may wait hours to transfer lower-acuity patients to an…
Severely injured patients have a better chance of survival than ever before — if they make it to a trauma center. However, a significant percentage…
The goal of the national Stop the Bleed campaign [1] is to empower everyday people to provide life-saving bleeding control. While the program is aimed…
Results from a large prehospital care study show that patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) benefit significantly from four simple field interventions. The study…
Recent studies have shown that civilian tourniquet use dramatically reduces the risk of death for injured patients. But how do prehospital tourniquets affect other patient…