Call for Presentations:
The Virtual Summit for Level III, IV & V Trauma Centers

The Virtual Summit for Level III, IV & V Trauma Centers is a one-day online conference that will focus on the unique leadership and management challenges facing community and rural trauma centers. The summit will take place on September 25, 2024, and attendees will be eligible for CE credits.

Trauma System News is seeking trauma leaders who understand the distinct challenges of Level III, IV and V trauma centers and who want to share their insights, guidance and solutions.

We are looking for presentations that address the following issues:

How are under-staffed trauma programs doing effective PI with reduced team resources?

How are community and rural centers ensuring a full nursing workforce and maintaining staff competency in trauma?

What are under-resourced trauma programs doing to secure more hospital budget and/or tap outside sources of funding?

How can Level III-IV-V centers prepare effectively for surveys while minimizing disruption to normal operations?

What are your revenue cycle “success stories” and what do your colleagues need to know about trauma coding and billing?

In physician-shortage communities, how have you engaged neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons and other key specialists?

What strategies are effective for working with Level I and II trauma centers (and patient transport services) to streamline referrals and reduce transfer delays?

How has your center addressed the challenge of maintaining a concurrent registry and ensuring data quality with limited registry staff?

Presentations should be 1 hour in length, and each presentation may include up to 3 speakers. Individuals are welcome to submit multiple proposals. 

Proposals should include complete speaker information, a presentation title and summary, learning objectives, and a description of any tools or resources that will be provided to attendees. (For complete details, see the Presentation Proposal Form below.)

The deadline for submissions is Friday, June 28, 2024. Proposals will be evaluated for overall quality, practical value and contribution to a balanced program. Accepted presenters will be notified by Monday, July 8, 2024.

Share your knowledge! Turn your valuable experience into an educational session that elevates your colleagues in community and rural trauma care. To submit a proposal, fill out the form below:

PRESENTATION PROPOSAL: The Virtual Summit for Level III, IV & V Trauma Centers
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Name of lead presenter
Name of second presenter (if any)
Name of third presenter (if any)
Trauma center designation

Exhibitor Information: Is your company interested in sponsoring the Virtual Summit for Level III, IV & V Trauma Centers? To request information, email